Meu nome é Erica. Eu tenho 15 anos. Eu moro em Salvador-Bahia no bairro de CaixaD'Água. Eu moro com os meus pais e com meu irmão. No momento, eu estou cursando o Ensino Medio no curso de Técnico de Enfermagem no Colégio Anísio Teixeira. Nas horas vagas, eu gosto de ler livros, assisir tv e de acessar a internet. Eu sou um pouco timida, por este motivo não falo muito. No futuro, eu pretendo cursar uma faculdade de Medicina e ser uma boa Pediatra.
My name is Erica. I am 15 years old. I live in Salvador, Bahia in the neighborhood of CaixaD'Água. I live with my parents and my brother. At this moment, I'm in high school, attending a course on Practical Nursing. In her spare time, I like to read books, watch tv and access internet . I am a little shy, for this reason I do not talk much. In the future, I plan to attend a medical college and be a good Pediatrician.
10 comentários:
You sound like a very focused young lady. As you become more sure of yourself, you will find that you will enjoy talking to others more,
especially when you become a doctor. Two of my students who just graduated are in college and will then go to medical school.
I, too, enjoy reading. I have a wide variety of interests? What kind of books do you like to read?
Professora Cathy!
Eu gosto de ler livros de romance, de ficcção cientifica,e aventura: estes são os meus preferidos.
Professor Cathy!
I like reading novels, scientific ficcion, and adventure: these are my favorites.
Hi Erica,
I love my school and I love my classmates we all get alone so well, we don't argue with one another we can communicate well and we help each other out when needed.
hi my name is jessie & im a 16 year old junior at lovejoy technology academy! i enjoy going to the movies, hanging with my friends & eating! when i get out of high school i plan on going to the air force and then go to college!
Hi Erica my name is Philip. I also like to read what type of books do you like?
Oi Shonice
Que bom que você gosta da escola, obrigado por me responder.
Hi Shonice!
Glad you like the school, thank you for responding.
Oi Shonice
Que bom que você gosta da escola, obrigado por me responder.
Hi Shonice!
Glad you like the school, thank you for responding.
Oi Shonice
Que bom que você gosta da escola, obrigado por me responder.
Hi Shonice
Glad you like the school, thank you for responding.
Oi Jessie
deve ser muito bom servir a força aérea
Hi Jessie
should be very well serve the Air Force
Oi Philip
Eu gosto de ler romances, ficção cientifica.
Hi Philip
I like reading novels, science fiction.
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