Centro Educacional Carneiro Ribeiro consists of 5 Class Schools and Escola Parque. Our students have a full time education. They attend regular classes at Class Schools on one shift; on the other,they go to Escola Parque where they attend practical classes, related to handicrafts, arts, sports, technology, etc..
Parque School has more than 4 thousand students and it was founded in 1950 by Anísio Teixeira whose ideas were greatly influenced by American philosopher and educator John Dewey.
I hope you can become a pediatrician. We need lots of good doctors in the world. You will have to work hard. Do you volunteer at a hospital? They allow students to do volunteer work here in the U.S. to find out if they really like to be in a hospital.
2 comentários:
I hope you can become a pediatrician. We need lots of good doctors in the world. You will have to work hard. Do you volunteer at a hospital? They allow students to do volunteer work here in the U.S. to find out if they really like to be in a hospital.
Wow another one that good. nice choice.
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