Centro Educacional Carneiro Ribeiro consists of 5 Class Schools and Escola Parque. Our students have a full time education. They attend regular classes at Class Schools on one shift; on the other,they go to Escola Parque where they attend practical classes, related to handicrafts, arts, sports, technology, etc.. Parque School has more than 4 thousand students and it was founded in 1950 by Anísio Teixeira whose ideas were greatly influenced by American philosopher and educator John Dewey.
segunda-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2011
Jonathan, 17
My name is Jonathan France. I'm 17. I live in the neighborhood of Iapi. I like to live because IAPI is a lively neighborhood. I live with my brother, my mother, my father.I have a brother and a sister.In my free time I like to get on the internet. In the near future I want to attend a telemarkting operator course.
denise, 48

My name is Denise. I am 48 years. I live in the district of Mont Serrat. I like to live there because of the beach and it is a great place for hiking. I live alone with God. I have two sisters and two brothers. In my free time I enjoy reading, and doing physical activities. At present I plan to do many courses in various specialties.
My name is Roseli de Amorim Silva. I am 18 years. I live in the neighborhood of IAPI. I like to live there because it is a good and a quiet place to live. I live with my parents and I have no brothers. In my free time I like to dance, music, ssuch as pagode, etc ... In the near future, I want to go to university of tourism. I already attend web design and management of tourism courses
David, 14
My name is David. I am 14 years old. I live in cidade nova. I do not like to live there because of the neighborhood. My neighbors like to gossip. I live with my father and mother. I have one brother and one sister. In my free time I like to play grand chase. In the near future, I want to go to a veterinary college.
Maurilio, 11

My name is Maurilio, I'm 11 and live in the Engenho Velho de Brotas. I do not like to live there because it is very annoying, because my neighborhood is too noisy. I live with all my family. I am an only child. In my free time I like to skate, go to the beach, etc.. In the near future, I want to be a professional skateboarder. Nice to meet you.
Jeane Lorraine, 12

Pleasure, my name is Jeane. I am 12 years old and I attend an English course because I'm interested in learning this worldwide language. I live in a Caixa D'Água and I like to live there because it is a place that, in my opinion, is quiet: never had any problems with me there where I live. I study at the Military Police School and attend the 7th grade. I live with my mother and stepfather. My father lives in a Caixa D'Água too. I'm an only child. In spare time I like to surf the internet, accessing my email, Orkut, facebook and music by Demi Lovato: I love them. In the near future, I want to be a singer or actress. It has always been my desire. Nice to meet you! I'm very anxious to meet you, Lovejoy Technology Academy!
Prazer meu nome é Jeane. Eu Tenho 12 anos e faço curso de inglês Porque eu me interesso em aprender a língua mundial. Eu moro na Caixa D’Água e gosto de morar lá pois é um lugar que, na minha opinião, é tranqüilo: nunca teve nenhum problema comigo no lá onde eu moro. Eu estudo no colégio da Polícia Militar na Ribeira e faço o 7º ano. Eu moro com a minha mãe e meu padrasto. Meu pai mora na Caixa D’Água. Eu sou filha única . Nas horas livres, eu gosto de entrar na internet, no meu e-mail, Orkut, facebook e ouvir músicas de Demi Lovato, eu as amo. No futuro próximo, eu desejo ser cantora ou atriz: sempre foi minha vontade. Prazer em conheçê-los! Eu estou muito ansiosa para conhecer vocês da LoveJoy Technology Academy!
quarta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2011
Dandara, 13
My name Dandara and Rodrigues. I'm 13 years old. I live in the Santa Monica. I like to live there because it is a quiet neighborhood. I live with my parents and my sister. In my free time I like to stay in computador.No future, I want to be a lawyer.
Vitória, 16

My name is Victoria. I'm 16. I live in Cidade Nova. I like living here because it is a peaceful place. I live with my mother. I'm an only child. In my free time I like listening to music and watch a TV series called Supernatural. In the future I intend to attend business school. I wish all the students in the Lovejoy school that you have a bright future ahead with much success.

My name is Rafaela. I am 14 years old. I live in Salvador, Bahia, in the suburb of Pau Miúdo. I like it very much. I have two sisters. In my free time I like to access the internet. In the future, I want to be a nurse, and doing dance classes. I really want to know about Lovejoy School. Good luck to you in the future, students of Lovejoy.
Rodrigo, 14

My name is Rodrigo Tavares. I am 14 years old. I live in the neighborhood of Caixa D’Água. I like to live there because I feel it is a quiet place to live. I have one brother and one sister. In my free time I like to play soccer with my friends and I like to access the internet, I also like Escola Parque courses. I still do not know what I want for my future, but I know what I will do it will be good for me. I'm anxious to meet you, my colleagues at Lovejoy School.

My name is Queila Avelino. I'm 16. I live in Caixa D’Água. I like to live there as it is near my school and my church. I live with my mother and sister. In my free time I like to be my friends and access the internet.I'm in high school. In the future, I plan to go to university and attend biomedicine. Much success to you students at Lovejoy School.
terça-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2011
Meu nome é Maria de Lourdes. Eu tenho 52 anos. Eu moro no Bairro da caixa D água eu gosto de morar aqui porque esta parte e mais tranqüila. Tenho seis irmãos moro com minha filha de 22 anos sou solteira. No futuro pretendo fazer algo relacionado com gastronomia. Eu gosto de ir a praia ler ver TV. Espero conhecê-los em breve e saber como é sua forma de vida.
Tuane Pestana Araújo, 21

Meu nome é Tuane Araújo. Eu tenho 21 anos de idade. Eu moro na Baixa de Quintas. Eu gosto de morar lá porque é um bairro muito bom de se viver.Eu tenho 2 irmãos. Eu moro com minha mãe,meu irmão,minha irmã e meus avos. Em meu tempo livre, eu amo passear com amigos, ir a boate ou barzinhos e conversar. No futuro próximo,eu pretendo trabalhar e tomar um curso mais aprimorado de inglês e español. Eu estou anciosa para conhecer vocês alunos da Lovejoy School.
My name is Tuane Araújo. I’m 21. I live in Baixa de Quintas. I like to live there because it’s a good place to live in. I have two brothers. I live with my mother, my brother, my sister and my grandparents. In my free time, I love walking with friends, going to the nightclub or bar and talk. In the near future, I intend to work and take a more refined proficiecy in English and español. I'm excited to meet you all students at Lovejoy School.
Jaciara Patrícia,39

My name is Jaciara Patrícia.I'm 39 years old. I live in the neighborhood called Cidade Nova. I like to live there because I'm already accosumated.I have three children. Alana, 11 years, Junior, 13, and John Paul, 5.I have a dog named Saddam. I live with my children and my husband.In my free time I like going to the beach. In the near future, I intend to work.
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