quarta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2008

Students took 77 pictures of their neighboorhood that is comprised of 3 districts: IAPI, Caixa D´Água and Pero Vaz. Please have a look at such pictures and post a commnent on them!
Students will send postcards with Christmas messages to each one of Lovejoys' students. Please see the photos of their postcards at Orkut.
Hi, Maurio! I am twelve. Life here is very good. I like to play with my friends here in Pero Vaz. Of course, I love dating!


Hey my name is Maurio. I'm the president of my senior class. Today principles from your country are at our school. We are having a big celebration for them. What are some things you like to do? WHat is life like there? Me? I'm seven teen, a mixed martial artist and an honor student for my whole school life.

segunda-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2008

77 Pictures of Students' neighborhood


Students took 77 pictures of their neighboorhood that is comprised of 3 districts: IAPI, Caixa D´Água and Pero Vaz. Please have a look at such pictures and post a commnent on them!

Students will send postcards with Christmas messages to each one of Lovejoys' students. Please see the photos of their postcards at Orkut.