Students took 77 pictures of their neighboorhood that is comprised of 3 districts: IAPI, Caixa D´Água and Pero Vaz. Please have a look at such pictures and post a commnent on them!
Students will send postcards with Christmas messages to each one of Lovejoys' students. Please see the photos of their postcards at Orkut.
Students took 77 pictures of their neighboorhood that is comprised of 3 districts: IAPI, Caixa D´Água and Pero Vaz. Please have a look at such pictures and post a commnent on them!
Students will send postcards with Christmas messages to each one of Lovejoys' students. Please see the photos of their postcards at Orkut.
2 comentários:
Caro, colega, seguindo o seu exemplo, opinião e sugestão fiz um orkut com o e-mail: professorwalmirbahia@yahoo.com.br. Abraços Walmir
Dear colleague, I decide write you down on your blog because I didn’t find out your e-mail address. There will be an International E-learning seminar to public English teacher: http://www.sec.ba.gov.br/iat/
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