My name is Leilane. I am 17 years and I study in the Educational Center Carneiro Ribeiro-Class IV. I am attending the 3rd year of high school. I live in Tancredo Neves. I want to study to be lawyer. At the moment I just study, not work. I love listening to music and reading books. I do not like to stay home alone, so I always find a way to be with my brothers. I am very happy to join this project and communicate with you.
See you!
27 comentários:
Hi my name is Justin Jordan Christopher Atkins. I am 17 years and in the 12th grade. I was born on Apirl 7,1991. My mother name is Betrenna Caldwell and my father name is Erwin Atkins S.r. I have 2 bothers and 3 sisters. My hobbies are basketball, football, and baseball. I live with my mother. My mother is my best friend. I say this because when every I am sad are mad I can always go talk to her about my problem. The college I would like to attend is the University Lincoln in Jefferson City. My career interest is computer science.
Leilane, We look forward to getting to know you better. How many years of high school are there? In the U.S. there are 4. My son finished school in Germany where there are 5 years to what they call Gymnasium. What books do you like to read?
Hi Justin!
I liked the comment you made about the relationship between you and your mother. And, really, our best friends are our parents! I have 9 brothers ... 4 men and 5 women. I am the youngest women. My older sister is 32 years and my youngest brother is 5 years old! I love my family, although it is not that perfect!
See you.
Hi ,Cathy, !
Here in Brazil we have 1, 2 and 3 years of high school. After we finish high school we go to the college we want. I want to go to a Law college, and I want to become a lawyer in family cases. I like to read romaces of the Brazilian literature, from authors such as Machado de Assis, José de Alencar ... I read several books. Lately, what I most liked to read was The Da Vinci Code.
Leilane, I like romances too. Next time I am at the book store, I will see if I can find your recommended authors in English. As for the DaVinci Code -- I loved it. Have you seen the movie? It is very good, but the book is better. Another book by the same author is Angels and Demons. I liked it even better than The DaVinci Code.
Hello, my name is Dominique Jefferson and I am 18th years old. My birthday was March 3rd. I have one daughter and her name is Mariah James and she is my life. I am engaged to her father and his name is Keone James. His is my closest friend in the world, because he is always there for me and he would do anything for me if it came down to it. I love this program that our teachers have us in where we can communicate with ya'll. I admire that you want to be a lawyer. Do you know you have to go to college for a long time? But it will pay off at the end.
Hi my name is Freddie Tilmon Jr. I'm 17 years old. I was born on July 19, 1991. I live with my mother, and my three sisters. My hobbies are basketball,swimming ,bowling ,and playing video games. I love to get out the house, so you can say that I am a outgoing person. This is my senior year and I plan to attend Eastern Illinois University, but you said that you wan't to be a lawyer and without a doubt that is a good career you just have to di a lot of studying and you can do it. But I'm going into the Industrial Technology field.
Hi Leilane my family is not perfect to, but at the end of the day my family love each other. What kind of music do u listen to. I listen to hip hop and somethimes jazz.
Hi, my name is Philip I am 17 years old and am in my third year of highschool. I think it's great that you want to be a lawyer. I like to listen to music an read books too. What kinds of activities do you do with your brothers?
Hi my name is Shonice I am 17 years old and I'm the vice-president of my 11th grade class. In my spare time I enjoy watching tv, listening to music, talking on the phone and going shopping. After high school I plan to go to college and study accounting or forensics.
My name is Chilonda i want to be an Forensic scientist/Private Investigator. After high school i plan to enlist in the Navy, right now I'm trying to setup some swimming lessons.
Hi my name is Vicky im 17 and I hate to be alone also. What kind of music do you like? I like all types of music.
Hey Leilane,my name is Fetemma i attend LoveJoy High School i am a senior....I am 18 years i like playing volleyball and cheerleading i also plan to take up Criminal Justice
hi Leilane. I am 19 years old i am in the 12th grade this is my last year of high school. I am so happy because this is my last year. After high school i plan to go to college. after college i plan to go to into my career which is criminal justice. i want to recive my bachelors degree and become a federal probation paroll officer.i like to play basketball on my spare time when i am not doing that i am sleeping.
It's nice to hear that you want to be a lawyer. By the way, my name is Eddie and I am 18 in my last year of high school. I'm so happy. What made you want to get into justice? You look like you would be an great lawyer. I hope you do what you have to do in order to fulfill your dreams.
well i think that great that you stick to your studies and not interferring with you schoolwork and what do you mean by a 3 year school
thanks i like communicate with all you guys too.
My name is Shalinda and I'm 18 years old. So far wo do you like being in your 3rd year of high school? what do you plan to do after high school?
Hello my name is Tatyanna i am in the eleventh grade.I have one little sister and she works my last nerve.I attend lovejoy technology academy.
Hi Philip
My name is Leilane and I am also 17 years old and I am a Senior at school.
I like to talk, get out, and even doing anything with my brothers because they are everything to me.
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Shonice, Hi!
What I like most to do is reading but I also love to listen to music and get out.
I have a curiosity: what is "forensic”?
I found a good translating site and I could not understand its meaning. Does it have any relationship with the area of Criminology or Law?
If you can give me the answer in Portuguese'll be grateful.
I am waiting for your answer.
Hi Chilonda
I have also wanted to join the navy but I gave up and decided that I will become a lawyer.
I hope that we two can make our dreams come true!
See you
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Hi Vicky
I like different styles too. Besides the Brazilian musical styles, I like artists such as Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, Elton John, Michael Button and I love hip hop.
Please visit my blog:
Hi, Tattyana!!
I also have a little brother that I sometimes I want to kill.Just kidding!!!
Please visit my blog:
Hi Lelaine, my name is Philip. I think it's great that you want to be a lawyer . My english teacher always makes me read books about lawyers and cases. What kind of lawyer do you want to be a prosecutor or a defense attorney?
Hi Leilane my nae is Adrianna. We both have something in common because I want to study criminal justice after I graduate from high school.
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