Meu nome é Michel.Eu tenho 15 anos. Eu estou no 1º ano do ensino médio.Eu moro na Caixa D'Água. Eu gosto de morar lá porque, na minha opinião, é um bairro onde não falta nada tem muitas: escolas, farmácias, supermercados, posto de saúde e não é muito violento se você for comparar com outros bairros. No futuro eu tenho um sonho de ser jogador de futebol e no momento pretendo me formar em educação fisíca.
22 comentários:
Hello, Michel,
You sound like the typical U.S. teenager -- tv,sports, friends.
Are you on a football ( I assume this is our soccer) team now? Do the schools have teams?
One of my former students will get his degree in physical education in May. I am very proud of him.
that very cool that you want to be a football player. that is one of my favorite sport. and when you say that you want to be a physical education do you mean that you want to become a teacher. what is a water box.
Water box was a translation of the name of Michel's neighborhood Caixa D'Água. In this sense, it would be an expression that shouldnt have been translated.
I like that you like your neighborhood. SO is your neighborhood this best out of a lot of area? I like that you want to play football. I like football too. Do you have a choice where you would want to play football at?
Hello, Michel,
You want to be a football player that great maybe I will see you on tv someday.
That's good you want to be a football player. How good are you? In do your school have a team? I bet i can bet you. lol
Professora Cathy
eu estou para fazer um teste no clube de futebol. E na escola não há uma equipe só atividade física
Teacher Cathy
I am going to do a test at a soccer club . And at school there is not a team; there is only physical education activity.
Muito obrigado pelo seu comentário.Caixa d`água é o nome do bairro onde moro.
Thank you for your commentary.Caixa d`água is the name of the neighborhood where I live.
Professora Cathy
eu estou para fazer um teste no clube de futebol. E na escola não há uma equipe só atividade física
Teacher Cathy
I am going to do a test at a soccer club . And at school there is not a team; there is only physical education activity.
Na minha opinião é o melhor bairro da região.E eu tenho o sonho de jogar no meu time do coração o Esporte Clube Bahia o time de maior torcida do norte-nordeste.
In my opinion is the best quarter of the region I have a dream to play in my team's heart Esporte Clube Bahia the time the largest crowd of the north-northeast.
Obrigado,e que deus me ajude.
Thanks, and God help me.
I understand that in your contry, soccer is important. I love that you will have an opportuntity to play. I wish I had the skills to play a sport professionally.
Hey Michel Moura I'm Melanie. I see you want to be a football player thats good. So what team do you like the best and want to join?
Hello im vicky I see you like football. I like it too. What team is your favorite? Does your school have a team?
How long do you stay in school each day? Do you have time to practice on your football skills?
Hello Michel my name is Cameron Jarrett i enjoy playing sports,dancing, talking on the phone,and entertaining people. After graduating next year i want to enter college and study in criminal justice. I am interested in this project in communicating with you....
What's up Michel, I think it's cool that you want to play professional football. That's one of my favorite sports. I want to play basketball in college.
hi there Michel myname is Shanika I live in a small town named lovejoy. its not reallyviolent down here but it can be at times. One day i hope to become a lawyer and my favorite sport is basketball. some of the things i like to do are going shopping and reading in my spare time. What are some ofyourhobbies and interests?
Hey Michel, football seems coll but very confusing. Do you wantto become a P.E. teacher? It's great that you like your neighborhood, I wish I could say the same about mine. So what are your friends like?
Hi Michel. I am Eddie and I am 18 years old in my last year of high school. My graduation is on May 29. It really does sound like a cool place where you live. When you said football did you mean American football or did you mean soccer? Which ever one it is I'm pretty sure that you will be a great player.
My name is Shalinda and in my spear time I like to hang with fiends, talk on the phone, and chill at home.
Hey what's up with you.I'm like sports especially watching the players on the fields i'm not really a sporty type of girl but I love volleyball.
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