terça-feira, 4 de agosto de 2009

Halley, 20

My name is Halley. I am 20 years and I have already finished high school. I live in Cidade nova. I live with my parents. In my free time, I like dating. As I graduated in high school, I want to find a job right now.

7 comentários:

cathyamcd disse...

Bom dia, Halley!

When I was 20 years old, I was dating my husband. It was a fun time of life.

What kind of job do you want to find?

Shonice"2010" disse...

Hello Halley I'm Shonice it's good to know that you graduated already. This is my last year of high school and I'm so excited!

Tyrone Santiago - CECR Escola Parque disse...

oi, cathy!

Eu gostaria de trabalhar no Pólo Petroquímico aqui mesmo na Bahia. No Polo Petroquimico existem industrias de petróleo.

Tyrone Santiago - CECR Escola Parque disse...

Eu espero que você termine também seu estudos e escolha uma exelente profissão.Eu quero muito trabalhar no Pólo Petrquímico aqui na Bahia. No Polo Petroquimico existem indústrias de petróleo.
Quando você vem conhecer a Bahia?Tenho certeza que voce vai gostar. Seja muito bem vinda e volte sempre. Adorei conversar com você.

Tyrone Santiago - CECR Escola Parque disse...

Hi, Shonice!
I hope you finish your studies, being able to make an excellent professional choice. I want to work in PoloPetrquímico here in Bahia. In PetrochemicalPólo there are industries of oil.
When you are you going to know the Bahia? I'm sure you will like it. I loved chatting with you.

cathyamcd disse...

Would you prefer working in the oil fields or a refinery or in sales or trucking? Working the oil fields pays very well in the U.S., but it is really hard work.

cathyamcd disse...

hi my name is jessie & im a 16 year old junior at lovejoy technology academy! i enjoy going to the movies, hanging with my friends & eating! when i get out of high school i plan on going to the air force and then go to college!