Centro Educacional Carneiro Ribeiro consists of 5 Class Schools and Escola Parque. Our students have a full time education. They attend regular classes at Class Schools on one shift; on the other,they go to Escola Parque where they attend practical classes, related to handicrafts, arts, sports, technology, etc..
Parque School has more than 4 thousand students and it was founded in 1950 by Anísio Teixeira whose ideas were greatly influenced by American philosopher and educator John Dewey.
quarta-feira, 3 de agosto de 2011
Itan, 20
My name is Itan. I live in Cidade Nova. I live with my family. I have a brother and a sister. I don’t have any children. In my spare time, I like to date. In the near future, I intend to marry.
hey itan my name is lavette. im a 19 year that lives in brooklyn. im in high school to finish off my last year. so you have one brother and sister. i have six sisters and two brothers. i aslo have a baby boy thats going to be one in september. i see that you dont have children. and i would like to get married also in the furture. in my spare time i like to watch my favorite tv shows. but i mostly go to school and tend to my son.
Hello, im Justin and im from Lovejoy and i plan on going to college in the near future in South America and live there. what do you plan on doing in the near future?
6 comentários:
hey itan my name is lavette. im a 19 year that lives in brooklyn. im in high school to finish off my last year. so you have one brother and sister. i have six sisters and two brothers. i aslo have a baby boy thats going to be one in september. i see that you dont have children. and i would like to get married also in the furture. in my spare time i like to watch my favorite tv shows. but i mostly go to school and tend to my son.
hey my name is Belinda i goes to Lovejoy High School. I am 17 years old and i plan to go to college to be a nurse after my high school year
Hello, im Justin and im from Lovejoy and i plan on going to college in the near future in South America and live there. what do you plan on doing in the near future?
Hello Itan how are you doing, I'm Demond Miller and I was wanting to know what season are you guys currently in.
hey im Leroy i really enjoy communicating with you guys and i hope we'll get the chance to see you all one day.
Hi, im a senior at lovejoy high school my name is Earlishia Walker and i'm 18 years old.
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