quarta-feira, 1 de abril de 2009

Nahara Silva

Meu nome é Nahara Silva, tenho 15 anos, estou no 1º do ensino médio, moro com minha mãe, no bairo do Pero Vaz, aonde passei toda minha infância, não gosto de pagode, curto mais mpb e rap, adoro passea com minhas amigas. Não tenho nenhum precoceito as religiões e nem opção sexual dos meus semelhantes pois somos todos iguias. Gosto mesmo de ficar só, nãoligo para o que os outros falam porque eu sou o que sou e não o que acham.No futuro eu quero ser verterinaria por gosta de animais.

20 comentários:

shernese mclorn disse...

that nice that you want to be a veterian. what is the first year of high school in brazil. im in the 12th grade this is my last year of school.

Analu Ramos disse...

Nai, fiquei feliz por ver que vc está interessada nas aulas de inglês. You´re a special girl.

cathyamcd disse...

What a lovely name you have! Do you have any pets? In the U.S. it takes about seven or eight years of college to become a veterinarian. How long does it take in Brazil?

Kirt disse...

Olá! eu conhecido é kirt que eu gosto de seu blogue você tem alguns grandes valores que você não tem o sexo that' s bom e aquele você tem uma paixão para animais. Meu nome é kirt e eu vou ao hihgschool que lovejoy eu estou na 1a classe eu gosto de permanecer e ser por mim mesmo minha religião cristã da prática da família eu gosto do r& b e o lúpulo anca e eu não gostam da maioria dos povos que esse I esteja ao redor.

Rodrick disse...

That really cool you want to be a veterinarian.what college you are going to?

duke disse...

Veterian that's a good field to get in to after school they make good money. Do you no anyone that's a Veterian.

Tyrone Santiago - CECR Escola Parque disse...

Thank you, I, is a dog is the same time.

Tyrone Santiago - CECR Escola Parque disse...

Thank you, I, is a dog is the same time.

Tyrone Santiago - CECR Escola Parque disse...

Two School July.

Tyrone Santiago - CECR Escola Parque disse...

oi, Shernese

The 1st year of high school is about the 9th year, I mean, after having finished the 8th grade, we enter high school that is comprised of 3 years.

Tyrone Santiago - CECR Escola Parque disse...

Oi, pro Ana a cada dia que passa penso em melhorar!!! Beijos de sua aluna quase filha Nahara.

Tyrone Santiago - CECR Escola Parque disse...
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
Tyrone Santiago - CECR Escola Parque disse...

Hi, Duke, my passion for animals is great, if I could create some ten in my house but my mother only makes up one. Nahara

Tyrone Santiago - CECR Escola Parque disse...

Hi, Kirti thank you for love of my values.

delgracia disse...

Hi my name is DelGracia Bunrett and I am a junior at Lovejoy School in lovejoy, Illinois. Im 17 years old and I also live with my mom. My brother's in jail and my sister moved to Indiana with her daddy so im like the only child LOL.

vicki disse...

Hi my name is Vicky. I love animals. well some but they all need care. my favorite animal is a puppy. Whats you favorite animal?

Cameron Jarrett disse...

hello Nahara my name is Cameron. I see that you are a very smart girl with a good head on your shoulders. Me myself im intersted in sports,dancins,making people laugh etc. Im a junior in high school.After high school i want to major in criminal justice in college and hopefully play basketball for the college i attend. I am intersted in communicating in this prodject with you so hey lets communicate friend.

Tosha disse...

Hi Nahara, a veterinarian is a great career field. Hope you have fun in doing so.

Unknown disse...

Hi my name is Freddie Tilmon Jr. You say you watn to be a veterian and i think that is good idea but you would have to be in college for a long time but you can do it just stick to it.

Eddie B disse...

Hi Nahara. Being a vetenarian sounds like it would be a cool thing to do. My name is Eddie and I'm going to own my own business real soon. I want to open my own barber shop. It also sounds like where you live can be a nice place to live. I hope our classes can visit one another real soon.