Meu nome é Crislane.Eu tenho 17 anos.Eu já terminei os estudos.Eu moro no Pero Vaz com minha avó . Em meu tempo livre gosto de sair com meus amigos.Eu gosto de dormir,dançar e assistir.No meu futuro próximo ,eu pretendo fazer faculdade de medicina e me tornar uma grande ginecologista.
11 comentários:
Hi Crislane,
My name is melanie and I'm in my last year of studies. I plan to work in a hospital as well in my near future but for now I'm going to college for mass communication. Do you ever go to the movies or shopping?
Hi Crislane.I also like to hang out with friends in my free time.
Hey Crislane, my name is Philip Johnson, and I want to own my own business when I grow up.
My name is Shanika and i am a senior student at Lovejoy. in my free time i like to shop,text, and hang out with friends.
Hi my name is Victoria. and i'm a senior in high school. I love to sleep and hang with my friends also. I plan on going to college to be a graphic designer.
My name is Chilonda and i'm 18 years old .This year is my last year of high school and after i graduate i want to be part of the military.
Hello Crislane, my name is Shonice and in my free time I enjoy listening to music and going shopping.
I am happy that you will be part of our class. You have great goals. The class of 2009 had 2 students who wanted to be doctors. I hope you work hard and are very successful.
I will see you soon on SKYPE.
Cathy McDonald
Amei todos os comentários, eu espero poder receber muito mais
Hi My name is DelGracia. i love to sleep too.
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