Meu nome é Luana. Eu tenho 13 anos. Eu moro no bairro da Caixa D’Água com minha mãe, meu padrasto, meus irmãos. Eu não gosto de morar lá porque no meu prédio há muita gente encrenqueira. No meu tempo livre, eu gosto de sair com minhas amigas, assistir à TV e ler. No futuro, eu pretendo fazer faculdade.
7 comentários:
What do you plan to go to college for?
Hey Luana Im Shanika ilive in a small town named Brookklyn in my free time i like to ang out shop and read
Hi Luana,
My name is Melanie and I'm 18 years old. I like to hang out ewith my friends as well. In the near future I plan to go to college and become a mass communicator. What do you desire to go to college for in the future?
My name is Adrianna. I plan to go to college also, which college do you want to go to?
My name is Chilonda and this year will be my last year in high school. In my free time i like to read and watch forensic shows. After high school i plan to enter the military and after that become a forensic scientist.
Hi Luana, my name is Philip and I am 17 years old I want to own my own business.
Bom Dia, Laura!
I look forward to having you in our Lovejoy-Escola Parque class. I love to read. What kind of books do you enjoy? I like Romance and historical fiction.
Cathy McDonald
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