Centro Educacional Carneiro Ribeiro consists of 5 Class Schools and Escola Parque. Our students have a full time education. They attend regular classes at Class Schools on one shift; on the other,they go to Escola Parque where they attend practical classes, related to handicrafts, arts, sports, technology, etc.. Parque School has more than 4 thousand students and it was founded in 1950 by Anísio Teixeira whose ideas were greatly influenced by American philosopher and educator John Dewey.
segunda-feira, 8 de março de 2010
Carola, 20 anos (2010)
Meu é Carola. Eu tenho 20anos. Eu moro no bairro da Caixa D’água. Eu adoro morar lá, porque eu moro há muito tempo e eu já me acostumei com o lugar. Eu moro com minha mãe e minha irmã. Eu quero falar cinco línguas e fazer faculdade de jornalismo.O que mas gosto de fazer é ler, patinar, viajar. No momento, eu estou desempregada, mas eu quero conseguir logo um emprego.
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6 comentários:
Hey Carola, I think its really cool that you know how to speak 5 languages
Hi Carola. My name is Adrianna. I think once someone gets used to living in one place then they wouldn't want to move away to a different town or country, but you would really be amazed on how much you would like to live some where else.
hello Carola, my name is Shanika ilive in a smalltownby the name of Lovejoy.I am a senior at Lovejoy Academy and i workas a part time student.After school i planongoing to college to become a lawyer or maybe a nurse.
Hi Carola,
My name is Melanie and I'm going to college for journalism as well. What other languages are you interested in learning?
Hi Carola, my name is Philip and I am 17 years old I want to own my own business.
Ola, Carola!
I am impressed that you speak 5 languages. Which ones? My son speaks English, German, and French. He has spoken a little Italian, Swalhili, and Spanish -- but not much. Perhaps you could get a government job as a translator. Have you ever thought about visiting the countries whose languages you speak? Welcome to our class!
Cathy McDonald
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