Meu nome é Cássia.Eu tenho 16. Eu moro no bairro do Pau Miúdo com minha tia. Eu tenho 1,50m, olhos castanhos escuros, cabelos pretos. Eu estou na 8ª série. Eu estudo na Escola Professora Candolina. Nas horas livres, eu gusto de assistir à TV, dançar e ficar com minhas amigas. Quando concluir o ensino médio, eu pretendo ser uma atriz de cinema. Eu gusto muito de comer; não gusto de ficar com fome.
7 comentários:
Hello Cassia,
My name is melanie and I'm 18 years old. This is my last year of school until I go to college. I use to dance and want to be an actress as well. What style dances do you do?
Hello Cassia Im 18 years old and I plan on going to college for graphic design.
Hey there Cassia im Shanika and i live in a small town by the name of Brooklynor Lovejoy.I have 5 other siblings and 1 day ihope to become a lawyer.
Hey Cassia Im Shonice and I live in a small town called Venice its five minutes away from Brooklyn, I have six sisters and no brothers. I live with my mother and in my free time I enjoy shopping, listening to music and watching TV. When I graduate I plan to go to business school for accounting.
Hello Cassia my name is Adrianna. I live in a huge town in St. Louis. In the future I would like to study criminal justice.
Hey cassia, i'm chilonda and i'm 18 years old . i plan to join the military in october.
Hi, Melanie!
I also love to dance. I enjoy various style. I like
hip hop, tango, street dance and more. What kind of dance do you like?
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