Centro Educacional Carneiro Ribeiro consists of 5 Class Schools and Escola Parque. Our students have a full time education. They attend regular classes at Class Schools on one shift; on the other,they go to Escola Parque where they attend practical classes, related to handicrafts, arts, sports, technology, etc..
Parque School has more than 4 thousand students and it was founded in 1950 by Anísio Teixeira whose ideas were greatly influenced by American philosopher and educator John Dewey.
terça-feira, 5 de abril de 2011
Paulo Fernando, 25
My name is Paulo Fernando. I live in the neighborhood of Pau Miúdo with my mother and my brothers. I like movies and music. In the future I want to attend advertising and propaganda college.
in the course of advertising we learn to publicize and draw the attention of comnsumidor to sell a product. We work with TV advertising, and billboards, for example.
6 comentários:
what is a propaganda colledge
i love to listen to music..
hi my name sis jessica and ilike listen to music also
Hi johnlove!
in the course of advertising we learn to publicize and draw the attention of comnsumidor to sell a product.
We work with TV advertising, and billboards, for example.
Hi, shalonga
cool, me too, what your favorite songs?
Hi Jessica
my name is Paul , what you are hearing now?
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