segunda-feira, 8 de março de 2010

Carola, 20 anos (2010)

Meu é Carola. Eu tenho 20anos. Eu moro no bairro da Caixa D’água. Eu adoro morar lá, porque eu moro há muito tempo e eu já me acostumei com o lugar. Eu moro com minha mãe e minha irmã. Eu quero falar cinco línguas e fazer faculdade de jornalismo.O que mas gosto de fazer é ler, patinar, viajar. No momento, eu estou desempregada, mas eu quero conseguir logo um emprego.

6 comentários:

Shonice"2010" disse...

Hey Carola, I think its really cool that you know how to speak 5 languages

Adrianna disse...

Hi Carola. My name is Adrianna. I think once someone gets used to living in one place then they wouldn't want to move away to a different town or country, but you would really be amazed on how much you would like to live some where else.

cathyamcd disse...

hello Carola, my name is Shanika ilive in a smalltownby the name of Lovejoy.I am a senior at Lovejoy Academy and i workas a part time student.After school i planongoing to college to become a lawyer or maybe a nurse.

pinkpearl08 disse...

Hi Carola,

My name is Melanie and I'm going to college for journalism as well. What other languages are you interested in learning?

Philip M. Johnson disse...

Hi Carola, my name is Philip and I am 17 years old I want to own my own business.

cathyamcd disse...

Ola, Carola!
I am impressed that you speak 5 languages. Which ones? My son speaks English, German, and French. He has spoken a little Italian, Swalhili, and Spanish -- but not much. Perhaps you could get a government job as a translator. Have you ever thought about visiting the countries whose languages you speak? Welcome to our class!
Cathy McDonald