My name is Aline I'm 30, I live in Salvador. My parents' names are Adalberto Jose dos Santos and Maria Sousa Eliete Santos. I have a third elementary school administration. I have an experience as a teacher. I like international music and classical music as well. I intend to finish my course of Management. I want to take the course of languages, speak English and Spanish fluently. I have a dream of visiting the United States. I love to dance.
8 comentários:
hello how are you doing my name is Demond Miller and I'm a senior in high school at Lovejoy Technology Acdemy
Hello, my name is Justin and im looking forward into meeting you and your class mates that i havent meet yet over the internet on the face cam.
hello how are you doing my name is Belinda Bell and I'm a senior in high school at Lovejoy Technology Academy
hello how are you doing my name is Devin and I'm a senior in high school at Lovejoy Technology Academy. Im looking forward to meeting you and your classmates that i havent meet yet over the internet on the web cam. We should take a trip to Brazil soon it would be fun.
Hey my name is Leroy i have 4brothers. when i have free time i like to hang out with friends and chill wit my family.what about you?
hello my name is lavette. I see that your 30 my oldest sister is 30 also. I live in brooklyn. My mother name is gloria and my father name is herman. I have a son he's 1. I live with my sisters my mother and my baby.
Hi my name is Darris. My mom name is Rochella.I love to dance and draw. I wanted to ask what made you become a teacher and did you enjoy it.
Hi, how are you my name is Earlishia Walker and i am a senior at Lovejoy High school.
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