segunda-feira, 5 de setembro de 2011


My name is Jacqueline. I am 47 years old I am married. I have 3 kids. Luise is 26; Valeria is 14; Hector is 5. I am independent and I plan to major in nursing because I love this profession and now that my children are more able to do everything. I get up at 6:00. I prepare my children for school because of the transportation .. I'm coming for the English-all Monday morning and study with my the afternoon at 17:00 I leave my son to the Hapikido and my daughter pick him up later. I go out on weekends to the house of my mother-in-law. I also go to the beach and I watch the news and soap operas at night.

9 comentários:

Tyrone Santiago - CECR Escola Parque disse...

Dear student:
Hello! What's new and what day?
I loved your post on the blog, keep it applied and studious.
I'll see you next week with the task memory.

dmiller22 disse...

Hello my name is Demond Miller I'm a senior in high school, and it's nice to talk and get to know you.

justin disse...

Hello, my name is Justin and im looking forward to seeing you all on the internet, and i wanted to know how many people in your class and whats the name of you all school? nice meeting with you all and seeing you. Later!

Anônimo disse...

hello Jacqueline My name is Devin its nice to meet you an your classmates I look forward to talking to you guys for the year.

Belinda Bell disse...

hello Jacqueline My name is Belinda its nice to meet you an your classmates I look forward to talking to you guys for the year.

roy johnson disse...

Hey my name is Leroy i have 4brothers. when i have free time i like to hang out with friends and chill wit my family.what about you?

L.Scott91 disse...

hey my name is lavette. im 19 years old going on 20 real soon. i also have three but i only have 1 with me the other 2 pasted away. i see your 47 my mothetr is 45. i like to also go out to but most of my time goes to my son he's 1

broken wolf disse...

It sounds like you have a busy schedule., Hi I'm Darris. It's nice to meet you.

earlishia disse...

Hi, my name is Earlishia Walker and it's nice to meet you.