Meu nome é Júnior. Eu tenho 13 anos. Estou na 4ª série. Minha matéria favorita é história. Meu esporte favorito é atletismo. Minha comida favorita é macarronada. Moro na Liberdade. Gosto de morar lá porque é calmo. Moro com minha avó e minhas tios e tias porque eu não moro com os meus pais. Eles são separados.
Se quiser conversar comigo pelo orkut ou msn, meu endereço é:
My name is Júnior. I am thirteen. I am in the 4th grade. My favorite subject is history. My favorite sports is athletism. My favorite food is pasta. I live in Liberdade (Liberdade is the biggest black community of Salvador and it is said that it is the biggest black community of the whole Latin America). I like to live there because it is calm. I live with my gradmother and my uncles and aunts because I don't live with my parents. They are separated.
If you want to talk to me through orkut or msn, my address is:
Se quiser conversar comigo pelo orkut ou msn, meu endereço é:
My name is Júnior. I am thirteen. I am in the 4th grade. My favorite subject is history. My favorite sports is athletism. My favorite food is pasta. I live in Liberdade (Liberdade is the biggest black community of Salvador and it is said that it is the biggest black community of the whole Latin America). I like to live there because it is calm. I live with my gradmother and my uncles and aunts because I don't live with my parents. They are separated.
If you want to talk to me through orkut or msn, my address is: