My name is Jéssica. I am twelve. I am in the 4th grade. My favorite subjects are mathematics, history and geography. I live in the district of IAPI. Violence is the problem we face there. I like to live in IAPI because it is a good place to live and lots of members of my family live there. I live with my mother, my grandma, three uncles and three aunts. (The last time I saw my father I was four). My favorite sports is soccer.
(Meu nome é Jéssica, tenho doze anos e estou na 4ª série. Matemática, história e geografia são minhas matérias favoritas. Moro no IAPI. Violência é o problema que enfrentamos lá. Gosto de morar no IAPI porque é um bom lugar para se viver. Eu moro com minha mãe, minha avó, três tios e três tias. (A última vez que vi meu pai eu tinha quatro anos). Meu esporte favorito é o futebol).
4 comentários:
My name is Fetemma Brown I attend LoveJoy High School I am a 12th grader,I'm 18 years old. You say that it's violent up there it's real violent down there,I just like being down here because i have family down here and my school,and plus my friends i could never leave them. But my favorite sport's are volleyball,and cheerleading.
If you like geography, you will like to use GoogleEarth to find your home, your school, and our town and school. Take a look at it online. It is a lot of fun. :)
My name is Rodney but my friends call me Rodrick. Im in the 12th grade and im 17 years old. My favorte things to do is make movies,play games (most of the time) and being quiet(most of the time).
Hi, Fetemma!
My favorite sports is volleyball. I have attended volley classes at Parque School.
Although my disctrict is violent, I like to live there because my family lives there.
Teacher Cathy,
I have already seen my street and your school through google earth.
Hi, Rodrick!
You are a quiet person but I am not!I like to play with people. I dont like to stay quiet at a certain place...
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