terça-feira, 30 de setembro de 2008

Joseílton Júnior (Monday)

Meu nome é Júnior. Eu tenho 13 anos. Estou na 4ª série. Minha matéria favorita é história. Meu esporte favorito é atletismo. Minha comida favorita é macarronada. Moro na Liberdade. Gosto de morar lá porque é calmo. Moro com minha avó e minhas tios e tias porque eu não moro com os meus pais. Eles são separados.
Se quiser conversar comigo pelo orkut ou msn, meu endereço é:

My name is Júnior. I am thirteen. I am in the 4th grade. My favorite subject is history. My favorite sports is athletism. My favorite food is pasta. I live in Liberdade (Liberdade is the biggest black community of Salvador and it is said that it is the biggest black community of the whole Latin America). I like to live there because it is calm. I live with my gradmother and my uncles and aunts because I don't live with my parents. They are separated.
If you want to talk to me through orkut or msn, my address is:

4 comentários:

Damion disse...

I have a blog at http://damion09.blogspot.com/ can you please view it for me.

cathyamcd disse...

How far away from the school is Liberdade? Most of our students live in Brooklyn, but some live in Venice, East St. Louis, and Cahokia. Go to GoogleEarth.com and find these towns.

MJames disse...

Hello, my name is Dominique and I was wondering how do you play your favorite sport. What do you do in your spare time. I like to read and work.

Kirt disse...

How far away from school is Liberdade from our school and what kinds of ethnic groups live there and what is the most predominate ethnic group that lives there.