My name is Cristina Nivia. I am 14 years old. I am in 1st year of high school. I live in Cidade Nova. I like to live down there because it is very quiet and I have many colleagues there. In my free time I like to watch TV or listen to music. In my future, I want to go to college, by passing the entrance exam.
16 comentários:
Who is your favorite musician? Do you sing or play an instrument? We look forward to meeting you and your classmates soon.
what kind of music do you listen to? You have to take a entrance exam just to get in college.What else do you do besides watch t.v.and other stuff?Do you go to the malls
Hi,Christina my name is Donald and I am 18 years old so Christina what do you plan to take up when you go off to college.
professora cathy,
eu não canto,e não toco,meu músico favorito é chris brown e alicia keys.eu espero ver a senhora também,e eu também espero sua resposta com muita expectativa.
cathy teacher,
I do not sing and do not play. My favorite singers are Chris Brown and Alicia keys.I hope to see you too, and I hope to read your response as soon as possible.
Hi, Kierra!
Aqui no brasil, nós temos que fazer o "vestibular" para entrar na faculdade.eu gosto das músicas de chris brown e de alicia keys que é :no one. já ouviu?.eu só vou ao shopping quando eu tenho dinheiro.eu gosto de ficar no computador também,mas só que eu não tenho computador em casa ,e fica díficil de entrar na internet.
Eu pretendo trabalhar, ter minha casa e ser dependente.Eu também pretendo ajudar minha mãe.
I like Chris Brown too. I am unhappy that he has been abusive to his girlfriend. It is not a good example for the teens who like him.
Hi Cristina,
It sounds like you are good person.
What is it like down where you live? What kind of music do you like to listen to? What college do you want to attend? What T.V. shows do you like to watch?
a faculdade que quero fazer é administração.eu moro no lugar normal onde mora amigose vizinhos são fofoqueiros.
hi, eddie
the option I want to do is place administração.eu live normal lives amigose where neighbors are gossipy.
hi, eddie
I want to go to a business school. I live a normal live with my friends. The only problem is that my neighbors like to gossip.
Hi my name is Adrianna and I think you have a beautiful name. I wanted to know have you been living there all of your life and how is school there?
thanks for the compliment on my name. The school is normal. we have classes and sometimes we have don't have them due to the absence of the teachers.
It sounds like its good down their oneday I might go.
hi i'm chilonda on the 8th of this month i attended prom for the first time; it was more fun than i thought it would be. Have you ever been to prom before? If so how was it for you?
my school is small. my school sometimes is good; sometimes boring. I have not lived in the same place. I used to live in a neighborhood called IAPI.
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hi, chilonda!
I have never been to prom. I loved Lovejoy prom this.
Please visit my blog:
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