Meu nome é Raffaella. Eu tenho 15 anos. Eu moro no bairro do IAPI. Eu gosto muito de onde eu moro porque é perto de super-mercados, farmácias, lojas de roupas e perto da minha escola.Nas horas vagas eu gosto de ir a LAN houses, conversar com os amigos e namorar.No futuro eu quero ser advogada e estudar mais pra ser juíza.
7 comentários:
You have some great goals. Have you ever been in a court room to watch a judge or lawyer? It is a really good experience. Talk to Donald. He wants to be a lawyer too.
My name is Shalinda and I'm 18 years old. I live in a ok neighborhood. I like to hang with my friends on my spare time. I like shpping for clothes and going to stores as well. I'm also interested in the Medical Field.
Hey Raffaella, we share alot of the same interests. It's cool that you like shopping it's great. So you want to be a lawyer? I use to have the same dream, it's a great career to go off into.
hi my name is shernese and im 18 years old. well i think that good if you wants to become a lawyer. lawyers make alot of money. and do you think you are good at it. i nthe movie freedom writers what was your favorite part.
Hi my name is Adrinna and I am aslo going into law school because I would like to be into criminal justice. Where I live there are alot of clothing stores to shop at so thats a reason why I like staying where I am. How is it like in your neighborhood?
Hi Shernese!!
It will be very good even beina a lawyer. besides the money, I like to expose my ideas and help people. my favorite part of the movie Freedom Writers was a time of the Toast for change.
Please visit my blog:
Hi Adrianna!
criminal area is A good choice you made. There are lots of shops where I live too. i like to live there.
please visit my blog:http://raffucha15.blogspot.com
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